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Horizon Scan Ep. 47 |⚡️Normalising Killing Leaders | ⚡️NGO Abuse | ⚡️Cost Of Living


The conversation begins with a discussion about a recent plane crash and the speculation surrounding it. The hosts question whether it was an accident or an inside job. They then shift to discussing the response to the crash, highlighting the inconsistencies and biases of supranational organizations. The conversation moves on to protests against Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel and the reasons behind his unpopularity. They also touch on the topic of volunteer fighters in Ukraine and the mindset of joining the military. The hosts emphasize the importance of going into such situations with open eyes and accepting personal responsibility for decisions made. The conversation explores the topics of conditioning, changing beliefs, and the fear of being wrong. It also touches on the dangers of extreme ideologies and the normalization of violence against leaders. The hosts discuss the instability in the world, focusing on recent events in Georgia and the tensions between the West and Russia. They question the motives behind these actions and suggest scenarios of incompetence, disregard for public opinion, and a push towards a non-democratic system. The conversation revolves around the theme of the UK's involvement in international affairs and the neglect of domestic issues. The hosts discuss the UK's support for Ukraine and other foreign countries while ignoring the problems at home. They question the motives behind these actions and argue that the government should focus on fixing internal issues instead. They also touch on the impact of the cost of living, the housing crisis, and the disparity between the wealthy and the struggling. The conversation concludes with a reflection on the current state of the world and the need to adapt to the changing times.


Speculation and conspiracy theories can arise following tragic events like plane crashes.

Supranational organizations may exhibit inconsistencies and biases in their responses to global events.

Political leaders can face protests and unpopularity within their own countries.

Joining the military or becoming a volunteer fighter should be a conscious decision made with open eyes and a realistic understanding of the potential consequences.

Taking personal responsibility for decisions made is important to avoid regret and resentment. It's important to be open to changing beliefs and recognizing when you may have been wrong in the past.

Extreme ideologies can lead to the normalization of violence and the infiltration of organizations.

The world is currently experiencing instability, and it's crucial to focus on internal issues before getting involved in external conflicts.

There may be hidden motives behind political actions, including incompetence, disregard for public opinion, and a push towards non-democratic systems. The UK government's focus on international affairs often comes at the expense of addressing domestic issues.

There is a growing concern about the cost of living and the housing crisis in the UK.

The disparity between the wealthy and the struggling is becoming more pronounced.

The hosts emphasize the need to prioritize and address internal problems before getting involved in foreign affairs.

The world is going through significant changes, and it is important to adapt and prepare for the future.


00:00Introduction and Speculation on Plane Crash

03:05Response and Inconsistencies of Supranational Organizations

07:28Volunteer Fighters and the Military Mindset

32:00Extreme Ideologies and Violence

36:24Instability in a Turbulent World

43:33Questioning Motives and Hidden Agendas

57:05The Neglect of Domestic Issues

58:53The Impact of the Cost of Living and Housing Crisis

01:02:21The Disconnect Between Politicians and the Public

01:07:23The Consequences of Military Intervention

01:13:36The Importance of Prioritizing Internal Problems

01:16:18Adapting to the Changing Times

Horizon Scan
A weekly discussion between Sin Eaters Guild Founder, Gaz Walsh (ex Parachute Regiment - SFSG) and Hugh Keir, host of the H Hour show (ex Parachute Regiment - 3 Para). We talk about important events that the Sin Eaters Guild community should be aware of
You'll also find the archive of the old Group Podcast if you'd like to reminisce.