Morning, it’s Sunday which means I’ll go for shorter and light hearted and then fail.
Yeah but I’m sure this article has a point somewhere, it’ll have been written by someone respectable and qualified to do so, trust the science and all that …
I know you don’t want to link encouraging lifestyles that lead to no children and propaganda discouraging you from having them, to millions of people with historically higher birth rates being imported, but they’re absolutely linked.
Ah the Ruffalo rule. As soon as you see this morons’s face making sounds about anything that isn’t acting, you can reliably take the opposite position and know you’re going to be doing the right thing. I’d love to know if he’s just genuinely not the brightest (I think he might be solid), or has a something of epic proportions, because he’s wheeled out constantly to back politicians. I think it’s the former to be honest. I think he’s your classic bubble + money + disconnect = look at me on the right side of history, mong. Now I come to think of it he does actually have an interest in trying to put limits on AI, Hollywood is shit scared of it and it should be. Why would I pay to see a furry roasted peanut like Ruffalo wade through a barely disguised moral lecture that probably deconstructs and destroys in a remake, something beloved from my childhood? When I can see the product of combining fandom + autism + complete lack of interest in political correctness + AI. It will destroy Hollywood almost overnight once availability hits a tipping point. Yes obviously there’ll be screaming and lawsuits and copyright infringement and people like Ruffalo making appeals to the audience about supporting art etc, but they will all fail, because the public don’t care. The public want to see cool shit. Where in the mainstream gives you cool shit anymore, real cool shit? Almost nowhere. I realise not all of you are perma-online and might not see some of the stuff I do, but I can tell you that in virtually all genres, there are already fan made short films that blow away what Hollywood can come up with. In the same way ‘the internet people’ have destroyed mainstream media simply by doing a job to the expected standard, the same will happen with film.