Morning, actually managed to record an episode of Horizon Scan last night, so that’ll be in your mailbox for about 12:00 today.
Let’s start with this, post is a touch click-baity in the language, but appears accurate. I looked a bit more into it and this thing has had all sorts of dramas for years. This post appears to be genuine, there really is an issue with the software that handles the autonomous undocking and re-entry. The problem was discovered during testing for the flight that’s currently underway. It’s something to do with a "timing sequence" error in the software that controls the thrusters. The error causes it to misalign its orientation, making it difficult for the engines to fire properly during the undocking process. There was supposed to be a patch that fixed this prior to the mission, looks like that’s gone real well. I could genuinely carry on with a full article on everything wrong with this thing, but here’s an interesting factoid - relevant considering the above - it doesn’t have a redundancy for a software failure! They need to write this off and get the astronauts home via SpaceX.
Post about Boeing Starliner software problems.
Post about releasing murderers from prison after less than six months
Not much more to add to the post above really. We were reliably informed by the government that only non violent prisoners would be released in the 90,000 they’re freeing due to overcrowding. This is not the case. This guy and others killed a teenager - I think 14 years old - with a machete and he's on the streets after 6 months, to be replaced by those involved in the recent rioting. Are you ok with this?