Good day, there’s going to be a bit of a change timing wise to the The Scroll - as it was this morning. My misses has a new part time job and for the sake of an easy life I’ve said I’ll work around her. This will sometimes mean giving her access to the computer first thing in the morning when I usually write this. There was going to be a change in December anyway once the snowboard season starts here, so we’re just doing it early. The Scroll will still be daily, but it’ll be as and when. To be honest I think it’ll end up being a better end product, as there’ll be more activity on the feed each day, certainly from the UK. At the moment when I’m writing I’m seeing the aftermath of the previous days US news and the UK has barely woken up yet. I’m currently writing this at 19:40 Bulgaria time, so by the time you get it no doubt you’ll read it just late enough to make your dreams sad instead of your days!
Sharing really for no other reason than James’s comment made me spit my brew. She’s had a bad time of this this one clearly, I wonder what bothers her more, the elephantiasis of the hand or the peg leg? Am I translating correctly? ‘See themselves as their own primary’ = selfish and self interested, ‘multiple separate or intertwined polyamorous dynamics’ = likes lots of sex, ‘committed to their polyamorous relationships’ = does not understand what committed means, ‘don’t depend on the relationship escalator to express commitment’ = wants things on their own terms, doesn’t care about your feelings. I feel like if this was all written in English and the images was a standard issue orange, Turkey teeth gym bro instead of this unlucky muslim pirate, it wouldn’t come across quite so acceptable.
Hindenburg have a reputation for tanking stocks with their assessments, but I’ve never heard a good thing said about this game. I have a feeling ‘pedophile hellscape’ is pretty accurate. While we’re here, you really shouldn’t put pictures of your kids online publicly, but I’m sure I don’t need to tell anyone here that really.
Facebook boomers are going to have to be taken off the internet, they’re going to get scammed to death with this stuff. I think this is pretty good and I’d actually use something like this myself as it’d suit my workflow. For example, the clips I post of the text and voice reading them, that’s not me even though it kind of sounds like me. I use an AI program to clone my voice, so that I can have it read anything I write without having to sort out I mic and a quite area etc - if you listen to Horizon Scan you know what my dogs are like. The current one sounds a bit like Christian Bale, so I might do a new version. But I’d happily do the same thing with something like this. I could get it to talk to Hugh so I don’t have to. Another version below:
This is correct, he’s winning, look at Kamala’s numbers and how some of the big media outfits and talking heads are starting to treat her and Waltz. Remember the polls you see in the media/press are not the polls seen internally, that must be dark stuff. Recall what I wrote in The Scroll a few days ago about the Globalists vs Zionist power struggle in the UK? It’s no different in the US and the Zionists have picked their man. It’s going to take something freak to stop him now, there’s no way he loses without that.
There’s a lot of talk about remigration as the step up from simply deporting those here illegally and it conjures up images of families being put in vans and driven to airports, but it can be much softer than that. You can simple implement laws that sensible in themselves but which will make the UK a less attractive place for some and so they will leave of their own accord. I’m sure everyone reading this is aware of the statistics for serious birth defects and genuine retardation mentally as a result of cousin marriage amongst parts of the Asian community. The results are cruel and unnecessary and of course put strain on rNHS.
‘The only way I can keep my fragile ego intact is to ensure I’m never questioned about my opinions and only ever have those who see me in the omniscient manner I see myself, speak to me’. Fun fact, in my teetotal, veggie, Oxfam working, Uni days I thought George was mega. But then I grew up, starting eating meat again and went on a Afghan adventure holiday with my mates.
Apologies but that’ll have to do for tonight, mental day trying to support the misses in the new job. Newness, lack of structure, things ‘not being done right’, no notice changes etc, all famously the favourite stuff for autistic people.
Back to normal daily running tomorrow.