Well we’re back. I’m basically on fire at the moment, currently writing this in bed as it’s the only time I’ve got 🥴
Eric is completely right, this is a racist policy. It leaves many of us with a feeling of what the fuck is going on? We (Scroll readers are generally 25-50) have always been the least ‘racist’ generations, it genuinely doesn’t mean much to us. Honest people are well aware that races are indeed different, but we would always judge a person on their character. As a line in one of my favourite tunes goes ‘I only see if you’re cool, not your gene pool’. This is apparently what we were meant to, do right? Even back to MLK and his famous speech. The problem is that we’re still playing by these rules and the regimes in charge of us are not. They prefer people split, to emphasise differences, to play one against each other and as Harris seeks to here, adopt one group as a client for favours in return for votes.
Ally was obviously in a coma for the 2019 to 2022 period. Funny how this works isn’t? To be frank I haven’t got the time to do a full trawl of Ally’s profile back to the pandemic, but I’m happy to make a an assessment having had a brief look at his posts that he was likely supportive of vaccine mandates - sorry if I’m wrong Ally. How people react to this suggestion of jabbing the fatties to get them grafting will depend on the filter they run this information through and it’s probably a morally different one to which they used during Covid. Then you were a good person for taking that medication and those who wouldn’t were bad. You got to sleep smugly at night knowing you were on the right side of history, which seems to matter so much to this kind of person. However, even if you can point to downstream benefits from overweight people losing some heft, the prevailing mainstream narrative is that ‘fat shaming’ etc is mean, so to get your seat on the right side of history train in this instance, you need to be against forced medication. This is of course inconsistent but good luck trying to get one of these people to admit that. To be completely open about my views here, I didn’t have any injections during Covid. I was going to initially but didn’t get round to it. But then noticed a vibe coming from the communication around it I didn’t like. When the first reports of some people having heart issues trickled out and I mean the very first ones that got stamped on immediately, I decided I wasn’t going to get jabbed. I’ve always had a heart murmur and at times it just stops - which is very odd feeling I can tell you - so I figured being fit and otherwise healthy I’d just take my chances. I think I got Covid once, but was fine after 3-4 days. Obviously now we know that many people and have heart issues from the injections they had during Covid and some have died as a result, so I figure I made the correct choice. Nothing I’ve said there is tin foil by the way, if you dispute that, it might be time to read more widely. Personal sovereignty and bodily autonomy is fundamental, that should not be in dispute. It’s something that you must actually be willing to fight for - I nearly got divorced over it and anything on that topic is off limits to my wife and I to this day, because she views me somehow as an ‘antivaxxer’ 🫠. I have of course due to my previous profession had all sorts of mental vaccines, far more than her - those of you who’ve had the Anthrax jab know how fun that can be. So yeah I had the Anthrax jab but not Covid, but I made a choice both times. I could not deploy as part of UKSF group without it, so I figured seeing as I was going to be getting shot at anyway and when weighing it up dying from that was more likely than from any adverse reactions to the vaccination, I chose to take it. With Covid I knew was more likely to have an adverse reaction to the jab than the effects of getting Covid, so I ignored any coercion and societal impact on my life and didn’t take it. Anyway.. one thing I can tell you is that the same people are going to make money from the fat jabs as the Covid jabs and in both cases the best salesman is one who can mandate their use, government.