Morning, potentially a short one this morning as I’m a bit rushed. Recording Horizon Scan tonight at 17:00 UK though if you want to attend that. It’ll probably drop tomorrow.
Good chance you may have heard this in other socials by the time you see this, but if not it’s worth a listen. If you have dogs, play it so they can hear and watch what happens 😅.
Seems pretty obvious it’s sonar of some sort being picked up through non shielded cables (sounds well made!) maybe. But it’s got to be pretty unnerving.
If I were to put on my premium grade, finest tin foil headgear, fashioned by an artisan Samurai sword maker and and blessed with the blood of Alex Jones, I’d say this whole thing is so they can pull the alien contact thing before the US election. 😂👽 - It’s 2024, anything is possible.
BBC exec - ‘We need a cover for an educational series about Dunkirk’.
BBC minion - ‘Ok no problem’ - Proceeds to get basically random US WW2 stuff and chuck it together - ‘Ok, ready for sign off’.
BBC exec - ‘Yeah fine’.
You’re paying for this burns pit of an organisation.