“To choose to put your immediate needs second to others is a useful ability and an aid to humility.”

This is exactly what service is about. Collectively as humanity we have to, at one time or another, embrace this mentality in order to raise our society, keep it out of darkness, and out of the control of the tyrants.

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Agreed. Many people never do so and therefore don't experience the positive personal development you can get as a result.

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deletedApr 30Liked by Sin Eaters Guild
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Agree entirely. My wife recently left teaching after 10 years, that's her experience. Speaking of experience and it being lost, it's her opinion that for some time teaching has relied on a churn of NQTs to excuse not listening to experienced teachers thoughts. So good teachers burn out and leave after around 5 years, only to be replaced by those with good intentions, but who don't know better.

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