Aug 8Liked by Sin Eaters Guild

X just makes me laugh I’m afraid. At the start of the week Starmer’s a weak leader who’s showing no leadership and not dealing with the situation and everyone’s saying how ignorant the underlying causes of the riots are going to lead to worse unrest, massive upheaval, civil war etc etc. Now after several days of them arresting hundreds of people, co-ordinating the police response and taken steps to prevent a repeat of this, as well as a huge counter protest movement (and helped by loads of videos all over social media of TR fanboys getting filled in by public order police) it’s all fake and a co-ordinated response and the media are lying and all on the same page to invent it all. It’s kind of pathetic honestly.

I’m completely unsurprised TR’s travelling circus barely showed out in force- the majority of his support on X are perpetually online keyboard warriors and sock puppets. They might be fine burning down an empty hotel or an unprotected mosque after a few Stellas and bumps of coke but the majority aren’t going to fancy fighting riot police or co-ordinated large numbers of counter protestors because 1) they’re chickenshit and 2) having had the misfortune of working several of TR’s events, a large number of the clowns prepared to come out and support him in person are barely physically able to beat a flight of stairs, let alone a 19 stone pissed off rozzer in public order gear.

PM and police are in a lose lose situation when it comes to Twitter. If they did nothing and just let these cretins continue to break stuff, attack soft minority targets and incite violence online, they’d be getting accused of weakness and two tier policing. Now they’ve had a co ordinated response, cracked down on violence and jailed those responsible and these riots are fizzling out, they’re still getting accused of weakness and two tier policing as well as accusations of making the whole thing up (despite right wing social media from TR to Musk himself all talking about continuing action).

Personally I’m glad that it was a damp squib because it means that our colleagues didn’t have to spend another night getting assaulted. It’s been quite nice seeing lots of positive interactions between the public and the police on socials too, especially after that clown got stamped in Manchester last week.

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I appreciate your responses Dave, I know I don't always reply to them. That's only because I can see we both have different ways of looking at things on a few topics and I'm not interested in trying to persuade you of anything. But you giving another viewpoint helps people clarify where they are. Thanks for doing them.

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Aug 8Liked by Sin Eaters Guild

No problem, if we all agreed on everything it wouldn’t be a debate.

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Aug 8Liked by Sin Eaters Guild

14:38 PT here in Cali, just got round to reading todays Scroll, right now, it’s my favorite time of the day! Gaz, you’re not a retard! Hope you got that phys session in!

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🤤 Cheers Russ!

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