Gaz, really enjoyed your post, really resonated thanks for taking the time to write. These days when I get angry if I see something, like the 'Olympic last supper' I try and pause and ask myself why I'm feeling that way, and who wins if I let it annoy me? That usually does the trick. I am however reassured that there is an entire community of us that feel the same when we see stuff like that. Following your post I also asked chatgtp to 'explain Zen Buddhism to me like I am 10 years old'. A lot of parallels with Stoicism. Jim

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27

The last supper one’s a bit crass but headless woman and Papa Smurf have got nothing to do with Christianity tbf. First was Marie Antoinette and blue boy is apparently some 90s French pop star dressed up as Bacchus.

French media is just stupidly horny and very camp. They used to have hardcore porn on public TV after 9pm 20 years ago and they’ve had pop songs with sex sounds top the charts. Cross dressing’s been a thing in Parisian burlesque clubs for best part of two hundred years and their TV & entertainment industry is ridiculously camp (Eurotrash was heavily based on actual French TV shows). None of this vibe is particularly new, it’s just sent Twitter into a tailspin because the most interaction 90% of conservative yanks have ever had with the French was changing the name of their chips 20 years ago to Freedom Fries.

On plus side at least it’s a change from that lot accusing France of being an Islamic caliphate for a few days.

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I’ve been thinking about what to say. Staring at the screen is not helping, unfortunately, I don’t know where to start.

I read the scroll everyday and I’m not sure I’ve ever read something that I really resonate with as much as this.

Today, was the final straw. I don’t watch tv so I missed out on that degeneracy that the Olympics put out. That was it for me. Seeing the images on X made me feel very uneasy about the sort of world my son is growing up in and what I might leave behind.

I don’t want this to sound like the ramblings of a mad man and that I’m shouting at the internet, I’m not I’m just so low at the moment. I want to escape but feel trapped, isolated and alone (I know there’re similar) I’m not sure how to put how I feel. Or how to escape what I’m feeling or how to deal with my feelings.

I know that I’m sick to death of what’s happening to my country. As a veteran it makes me so angry. To be honest, I just want to buy a van and live in it with my dog, visit my son every other weekend and be done with all this crap. I’ve the money to do so, I guess if I was serious I’d do it right?

By the way, I’ve felt like this for 1 years now, so it’s not new. I feel rudderless in a country that’s descending into more chaos every day.

When does it end? Advice welcome.


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Honestly, best thing to do is unplug from social media. How you’re feeling right now is exactly how the people pushing this kind of fear and chaos narrative want you to feel because it generates page clicks. I didn’t watch the opening ceremony either because the olympics is all a corrupt load of shit but half this stuff has been taken way out of context ( context being ‘the French are horny and weird 90% of the time’) and the rest is irrelevant to you or 95% of the UK. Twitter will find something else to be outraged about in 48 hours and the wheel will turn, but if you’re having this reaction to it it’s probably time to take a step back. Twitter and threads aren’t reality, they’re just echo chambers for right and left for perpetually online people to project their fears and insecurities into the void.

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I’m making a conscious decision to unplug today. I e already stopped FB at the beginning of the week and have not been in it. Not looked at X today as it’s brutal.

Need to rent to a mate of mine today who’s off to the rally in London, I wanted to go but financially it wasn’t feasible.

I appreciate your advice, roger that.

Something has to change, today is the day.

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X is just a cesspit. If you’re struggling with getting a balanced view of current events, X is definitely not one to be on.

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Dave has hit the nail on the head. Disconnect from the useless echo chamber of social media. Find and stick with a community of like minded authentic souls not the click bait shills populating most of the online space. 99% of the commentary isn’t real anyway! Keep the faith fella 👍🏼

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I echo the sentiment of the first comment. I feel impotent to do anything to stop the steam rolling decline I see this country (the UK) and the western world in general is going in.

But the Scroll helps, it gives me hope. It is clear not everyone is ok with this. In fact it’s the majority that are mostly against it but that majority is quiet and most of the time just wants to get on and not make a fuss.

It looks like we will have darker days ahead for sure. But is enough people start to stand up and have the moral courage to say enough is enough we maybe able to salvage some of the values and ethos that has made this country and the western a place people have wanted to live and raise a family. This we can pass to our children.

All is not lost.

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I appreciate your comment. It’s so sad to see the way we’re headed and the feeling of being powerless is not something I’m handling well. I’m trying to give it a perspective, resist the echo chamber and make better decisions to what I SoMe I consume.

Again, I appreciate you. Have a great weekend.

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