Jul 31Liked by Sin Eaters Guild

The further left mainstream politics moves, the easier it is to write off centre right opinion as extreme. Con/Reform/Whoever needs to develop a credible centre right presence quickly.

Lessons from history....two of the main reasons that Hitler rose to power were economic instability....Great Depression....and discontent with the existing politics....Weimar.

Any of this sound familiar?

There will always be mouth breathers who just want a scrap, but what happens when someone comes along who can harness and direct that aggression....see the SA in 1930s Germany for details.

It genuinely worries me that I...part of the Establishment most of my working life...can listen to Tommy Robinson and even begin to think he might have a point.

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It's just important to remember that you likely didn't used to think like that re. TR and the like, because things didn't used to be like this. You're not to blame, you're a reasonable person put in an unreasonable position by people who don't have your best interests at heart.

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Jul 31Liked by Sin Eaters Guild

I agree. I am old enough and savvy enough to recognise it and be worried by it.

When reasonable people's opinions start to shift that's an issue.

There are some great episodes on 'The Rest is History' podcast about the rise of Hitler. They make the point that, at the time, the German people didn’t know what we now know regarding the consequences.

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Jul 31·edited Jul 31Liked by Sin Eaters Guild

This is a reply from a wise old woman that I know very well who I forward The Scrolll to on a daily basis. She hates the word ‘religious’ but has extremely strong ‘faith’ -

Good article as always.

In 1987 (wish I had kept it). I read a prophecy on all what is going on within Europe and the UK today. The Church was told not to be complacent but to prepare and pray for this time in history.

I used to sit by an old lady in church in the early 2000’s …. ‘Mrs Lane’ 93 years young, she used to stand in church and speak against the EU to stop all the countries coming in … especially the eastern block and Turkey….she wrote many a letter to Tony Blair. Mrs Lane would admonish us to pray fervently for our nation and tell the government the errors of their ways. She saw then what would be happening today!!

Mrs Lane, a woman full of the wisdom of God. She was fascinating…… I was fortunate to be one who Mrs Lane spoke to all those years ago, when she went home to heaven, I picked up the mantle. You don’t need to be prophetic to see what is now with us and worse still ‘what is to come’ Jesus told us in Matthew 24 “do not be deceived” there will be wars, rumours of wars these things must come to pass. Nation will rise against nation (Southport) these things are just the beginning.

We are commanded not to fear but to pray.

I have written to the government at times ( not as often as Mrs Lane) I quote Martin Niemoller (1893-1984) who was a prominent Lutheran pastor in Germany.

I have never expected a reply but I will never give up….. I wrote to the IOC and Thomas Jolly about the grievous blasphemy of the last supper.

We live in a time when it is only God who we can count on. It behoves us to pray.

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Whatever works for you as a framework to get through life. You are your actions.

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Twitter has been burning with the usual suspects blaming Islam and immigration and whipping people up into a frenzy using dead kids for political gain as they do every single time this happens whether Muslims/immigrants are involved or not, so the rioting was predictable. As was the EDL travelling circus showing up, as that lot are completely infiltrated online by police and filmed so extensively whenever they come to London for a scrap or to listen to the latest chapter in Laurence Fox’s midlife crisis they get pinged for facial recognition whenever they step off a train. They didn’t need a random brown guy with a knife getting identified in Twitter as a ‘terrorist on his way to attack the vigil’ to start shit, they shelled out for a ticket and came down for the day specifically for that purpose, just like they do when they come down to London.

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I agree, exactly what I was talking about at the end with the TR bit. It's all too predictable. I have a feeling in this case though - will lick Hugh's gopping nipple if it ends up I'm wrong - immigration and asylum in particular, may end up being pretty relevant.

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It’s worth also looking at how immigrant/poorer communities intersect with the mental healthcare system in this country. It’s easy to blame immigration but in areas of the UK where the people at the bottom of the ladder are predominantly white, they generally have similar issues with crime and mental health crisis. We’ve just seen a decade’s worth of a government asset stripping mental health and social services, compounded by a pandemic. i’d say roughly a quarter to a third of my jobs as a paramedic in London at the moment are mental health related and we’re getting assaulted at a rate I’ve not seen in five years on the job.

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